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13 Extremely Powerful Testosterone-Boosting Foods


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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Why Testosterone Matters
  • What Happens To Testoserone As Men Age
  • How Testosterone Affects Libido
  • 13 Foods That Increase Testosterone
    • Oysters
    • Eggs
    • Avocados
    • Chicken Breast
    • Shellfish
    • Fortified Plant Milks
    • Fenugreek
    • Ginger
    • Honey
    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • Pomegranates
    • Onions
    • Garlic
  • Lifestyle Changes That Help Boost Testosterone
  • FAQ with answers
    • What foods should I avoid to increase testosterone?
    • How can I incorporate these foods into my diet?
    • Are there supplements that can increase testosterone?
    • Can High or Low testosterone affect my blood pressure?
    • Is there a correlation between low testosterone levels and insulin resistance?
  • Conclusion


Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and plays a crucial role in overall health and wellbeing.

Levels of this hormone begin to decline after age 30, leading to undesirable effects like low energy,

reduced muscle mass, and decreased libido. Fortunately, making certain dietary changes can help

give your testosterone levels a boost. In this article, we’ll discuss 13 science-backed foods that have

been shown to increase testosterone naturally.

Why Testosterone Boosting  Matters

Testosterone controls key male characteristics like facial hair growth, deep voice, and muscle mass

(Nassar 2023) The hormone also supports factors like energy, cognitive function, bone health, and

sex drive. According to research from the Mayo Clinic, testosterone deficiency has been linked to

medical conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. That’s why it’s important

for men to maintain healthy testosterone levels, especially as they age.  Consuming certain

nutritious foods can assist with encouraging your body’s natural production of this essential


What Happens to Testosterone As Men Age

  • Testosterone levels peak during adolescence and early adulthood. They start to gradually decline after age 30 at a rate of about 1% per year
    Representation of Testosterone Decrease With Age
    Representation of Testosterone Decrease With Age
  • By age 40, testosterone levels can be significantly lower, and may continue declining at a faster rate after age 60.(Pub Med.NCBI.NIH.Gov.)
  • On average, testosterone levels in older men (over age 65) are about half of what they were during their early adulthood years according to Pub Med.  
  • The reasons for the age-related decline include reduced function of the testes due to lower LH and FSH levels, increased SHBG levels which bind testosterone, and conditions like obesity and poor health that can impact testosterone.
  • Lower testosterone levels in older men are associated with some physical changes like loss of muscle mass and strength, increased body fat, and weaker bones. It can also lead to decreased energy, libido, and cognitive function for some men.
  • Testosterone deficiency is typically diagnosed when levels fall below 300 ng/dL. About 20% of men over age 60 have levels this low (
  • Testosterone replacement therapy may be appropriate for some men with significantly low testosterone levels to help alleviate symptoms.

How Testosterone Affects Libido

 Low testosterone levels can contribute to a decrease in libido, or sex drive.  Testosterone is a key

hormone that plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy sex drive in both men and women

According to the Mayo Clinic.  When testosterone levels are below the normal range, it can lead to a


range of symptoms, including reduced interest in sexual activities. Testosterone helps regulate

various aspects of sexual function, including the development of sexual desire, arousal, and the

overall enjoyment of sexual experiences. 

13 Foods That Increase Testosterone Boosting


1. Oysters, A Testosterone Booster


Oysters are one of the best testosterone-boosting foods. They are abundant in zinc, magnesium,

selenium, and vitamin D – nutrients vital for testosterone production.  Oysters also contain high-quality Oysters also contain high- quality protein and healthy fats hat can benefit testosterone

 levels when consumed in moderation.

Testosterone-Boosting Food, Oysters
Testosterone-Boosting Food, Oysters

2. Eggs, A Testosterone Booster


Eggs, especially yolks, are a great source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, zinc, and selenium.

 Vitamin D has been linked to increased testosterone and regulating sex hormone.

levels (Pilz et al., 2010).  Eggs are also packed with protein, making them an effective food for building muscle and 


3. Avocados Support Healthy Testosterone Boosting


Avocados provide antioxidants, heart-healthy fats, and key micronutrients that support 

healthy testosterone synthesis, like vitamin K, vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, 

According to Healthline. The monounsaturated fats found in avocados may also aid in

lowering cholesterol.

4. Testosterone-Boosting With Chicken Breast


Lean protein sources like chicken breast are useful for boosting testosterone. Chicken 

breast contains high amounts of vitamin D and protein. 

Testosterone-Booster, Grilled Chicken Breast
Testosterone-Booster, Grilled Chicken Breast

The protein in chicken can help build

muscle mass and strength when

 combined with strength training.

5. Shellfish For Testosterone Boosting


Shellfish like mussels, crabs, and lobster are rich sources of zinc. Deficiencies in zinc can lead to a

reduction in testosterone, as explained by the Mayo Clinic. The zinc in shellfish can help correct or

prevent deficiencies that impact testosterone. Shellfish also delivers a hearty dose of vitamin D.

6. Fortified Plant Milk Can Assist In Testosterone-Boosting


Plant-based milk like soy, almond, and hemp milk are often fortified with vitamin D and calcium –

two nutrients imperativefor keeping testosterone levels balanced. Opt for unsweetened varieties

and aim to consume in moderation.

7. Fenugreek, an herb To Enhance Testosterone-Boosting


Testerone-Boosting Herb, Fenugreek Seeds
Testerone-Boosting Herb, Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is an herb that has been used historically to 

enhance libido and masculinity. Research indicates it

maywork by inhibiting the enzymes that convert


testosterone into estrogen. 

However, more studies are needed to fully understand its seeds and effects. 

8. Ginger, A Testosterone-Booster


Ginger may increase testosterone levels while also improving sperm health, according to

preliminary research, though more studies are required. Ginger also has valuable anti-

inflammatory properties.

9. Testosterone-Boosting Honey


Pure, raw honey may deliver small amounts of boron, which is linked to increased testosterone.

Honey also offers antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Use honey sparingly, as it’s still

high in sugar.

10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Can Be A Testosterone-Booster


Testosterone-Boosing Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Testosterone-Boosing Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants called polyphenolsthat may increase testosterone, as explained by Healthline.

Olive oil may also help regulate excess estrogen. Top salads, veggies, and fish with high-quality extra virgin oil.

11. Testosterone-Boosting Pomegranates


Pomegranates offer antioxidants, polyphenols, and nitrates that are thought to boost testosterone.


Testosterone-Boosting Fruit, Pomegranates
CreditKristin Duvall/Stocksy United
Testosterone-Boosting Fruit, Pomegranates

Pomegranate juice has also been linked to increased testosterone levels in research. The aim to consume fresh

pomegranate seeds or unprocessed juice.


12. Onions Linked to Testosterone Boosting


Certain antioxidants in onions called quercetin and anthocyanins have been linked to increased

testosterone production in some small studies, as explained by Healthline. Further research is still


13. Testosterone-Boosting Linked to Garlic Ingredient


The allicin compound found in garlic might help reduce the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen, based on some animal research.

Fresh Minced Garlic, A Testosterone Booster
Fresh Minced Garlic, A Testosterone Booster

Mix fresh minced garlic to season meats, sauces, veggies, and dressings.

Testosterone-Boosting Lifestyle Changes

In addition to eating testosterone-friendly foods, other lifestyle factors can impact testosterone

levels. Getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy body weight, reducing stress, strength

training, and limiting alcohol are ways to support healthy testosterone outside of diet, according to


the Mayo Clinic. Prioritizing these lifestyle factors and eating the right foods can provide optimal

support for keeping testosterone balanced.


1.What testosterone level is considered to be normal?

According to Web MD, testosterone levels are measured with a blood test. 
Most doctos agree that a “normal”reading is between 300 and 1000 nanogramsper deciliter (ng/dl). 
About 40% of men over 45 will have levls below this range.  But a low value alone is noot enough to
trigger the alarm.

2. What foods should I avoid to  increase testosterone?

High-sugar foods, trans fats, excess dairy and soy foods, and heavily processed foods can negatively

impact testosterone. Limiting alcohol and maintaining a healthy body weight is also key.

3.How can I Incorporate these foods into my diet?

Aim to eat 3-4 servings per day of testosterone-boosting foods. Add oysters, avocado, olive oil, and

onions to salads. Cook eggs for breakfast. Bake chicken breast for lunch or dinner. Enjoy pomegranate juice and ginger tea as beverages.

4.Are there supplements that can increase testosterone?

Some supplements like zinc, vitamin D, D-aspartic acid, and fenugreek

may offer modest support. Testosterone supplements may benefit some men with clinically low

testosterone levels. By restoring testosterone levels back to normal supplements


 may help increase muscle mass and strength, particularlyin older men who have experienced age-

related declines. Some studiesshow testosterone therapy can improve libido and sexual function in

men with hypogonadism, which is often characterized by low libido.(Testosterone Therapy:

Potential Benefits and Risks as You Age, 2022).

TestogenComplete testosterone support for male health and wellness
Testogen, A Natural Testosterone Booster


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5. Can High or low testosterone Affect My Blood Pressure?

Blood Pressure being taken in left arm
Credit: UMMS Creative Services
Blood Pressure being taken

A study found that men who had unusual 

testosterone levels,either higher or lower than

normal, were more likely to develop high blood

pressure in the future. 

The study examinedover 5,786 men with an average age of.  about 57 years old. Lastly, there’s also a connection between low testosterone 

and insulin resistance (Does Low Testosterone Affect BloodPressure? – Premier Men’s Medical, 2022).


6. Is There A Correlation Between Low Testosterone Levels And Insulin Resistance?

As men age and their testosterone levels decrease, they tend to lose muscle mass and gain more fat.

This leads to higher insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Blood Sugar Support, Boosting B rain Glucose Metabolism
Blood Sugar Support

One long-term study found that low testosterone levels in older men

men were a strong predictor of insulin resistance.

 The inceased insuln resistance  makes it more difficult


 for the body to regulate blood sugar properly.  This can cause

problems wikth cntrolling peripheral blood vessel resistance, leading

to high blood pressure. 


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7. Does Low Testosterone affect Brain Glucose Metabolism?


Low testosterone levels can impair glucose metabolism in the brain. Studies show low testosterone is

associated with reduced glucose uptake in brain regions like the hippocampus, likely due to

increasing insulin resistance.


This reduction in glucose uptake negatively impacts cognitive functions that depend on proper brain

glucose metabolism. Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to increase glucose uptake

in the brain and improve cognition in men with low testosterone. 


Making dietary modifications to include more vitamin D, zinc, protein, and healthy fats can help give

your testosterone levels a natural boost. Foods like oysters, eggs, shellfish, avocado, olive oil, and

chicken breast offer valuable nutrients that support healthy testosterone synthesis and production.

Aim to incorporate several of these testosterone-friendly foods daily alongside other healthy lifestyle

habits like strength training, adequate sleep, and stress management. With consistency, eating the right foods can help keep your testosterone levels optimized as you age.


Some of our other post:

  1. 9 Powerful Ways Males Can Dramatically Boost Libido Naturally               
  2. The Ultimate Guide:13 Proven Methods To Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure.  
  3. 3.Understanding Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure




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